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Badlands Guitars Limited

Tokai Hard Puncher Made in Japan 1982

Tokai Hard Puncher Made in Japan 1982

Regular price £899.00
Regular price Sale price £899.00
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If you're not already aware, we love a nice vintage Japanese guitar at Badlands! A good few of the guitars Graham and I own are made in the Fujigen factory. There's good reason for that, and this bass is a good example of why!!

This is a 1982 Tokai Hard Puncher, and it certainly packs a wallop!
Made at the exact time Fender started using the Fujigen factory for the JV series launch (May 82).
Instruments made at this time were part of the same production, but branded differently. This is effectively the same as a JV Squier!!
It has an Ash body, nitro finish, and is as good a P-Bass you will play/hear. Compared to a modern American made Fender, it stacks up incredibly well! it really is something special, and in great condition for an instrument of its age, bar some marking on the body which you'd expect on a 42 year old nitro finish! It has the patina and feel modern day "relic" makers would struggle to achieve. This is the real thing!
The neck is a more chunky 50's style Precision size. It fits in your hand very nicely and feels solid as can be!!
We currently have a 1983 JV Squier P-Bass in the shop for £1250, so you'd expect this bass of the same era and same factory line to be a similar price, right? Nope! This is just £899! That really is nuts for a bass of this vintage and quality, and has a rather nice SKB hardcase included! 
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